My Timeline.

Hi Guys!!!!

Today I'll make a timeline with the books and series that marked my life.

 2003: I am born.
                2008: My father gives me the book Sleep - Over (from the Go Girl series) and my mother reads for me before bed. I think that this is one of the things that encouraged me to enjoy reading, until today I read before sleeping.
                2009: My teacher reads to the class a book called A Ilha Perdida, I loved that book. I remember that my teacher did not finish reading the book, because she had a baby, and the teacher who replaced her did not continue reading the book, so I did not know the end of the book.  For years, my parents and I searched for the book but only found it in 2015.
2011: I buy Dork Diaries, read and got addicted. I have all the series and I love, and this book was the first thing that I buy with my own money.
                2012: My friend recommends me a book called Fazendo Meu Filme. In the same year, I read the other 4 books from the series. After read this books I notice how amazing is read, and how I love this.
                2013: I enter in my phase Judy Moody; I read almost all her books. I wanted to be Judy Moody.
                2014: I read Hunter Games, and I love!!!! Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck, when I can´t slept I read the end of the first book, and so I really didn't slept.
                2015: A friend recommends me The Selection and the only think that I can say about this is thank you Clara! It's just a typical teen romance, with love triangles, princes, fake girls and lots of drama, but I love
                2016: Clara recommends me another book and the only thing I can do about it is read! And that´s how I meet your mother the Tiger´s Curse (has a post about it here in the blog).
                2017: I read the JK Rowling's perfect masterpiece: Harry Potter!! What I can talk about, is Harry Potter, everybody should read Harry Potter.

Resultado de imagem para sleep over book    Resultado de imagem para a ilha perdida     Resultado de imagem para dork diaries 1  Resultado de imagem para fazendo meu filme 1

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