Once Upon a Time

Hello Guys!

Well, everyone know that we love series (obviously).
And today (if you are from the future, hello!) we will speak apout OUAT (Once Upon a Time).

This series talks about what happens after the famous "Happily Ever After", because, seriously, everyone knows that not everything in life is perfect and in Fairy Tales isn't different.

》Curses, spells, enchanted flowers, magical daggers, true love kisses...

》The stories before characters like the Evil Queen, Rumplestiltskn, Cruella, the Ice Queen (no, she isn't Elsa), Wiched...

》Not all the heroes are so brave and not all the princess are so helpless  (well, none of them)

•"I will always found you"
• "All the magic comes with a price"
•"You aren't a villain, you are my mom"
•"Peter Pan never fails"
