

OH MY STARS! (The Lunar Chonicles expresion)

I finally got to finish reading Fairest!

The book is perfect for fans of the lunar saga, who want to know more about the main villain's adolescence. That's right, the Levana's story!
Resultado de imagem para fairest levanaSo... I loved this book because it's a oportunity to know the other side of the story. The truth story of the most beautiful queen.

How did Levana deal with the jokes about her appearance? How was her relationship with her sister and enemy, the Queen Chanary? How did she married with Winter's father, Everet Hayle? How did the Princess Levana become to be the Queen? Why she killed, or rather, tried to kill her niece Selene?

The love is a conquest. The love is a war. 
That is all love is.
Resultado de imagem para levana fairest
