OUAT Characters

Hi Guys!

We selected the best 10 characters of Once Upon a Time:

•Emma Swan (The protagost)
•Regina Mills/ Evil Queen (A villain or a hero?)
•Rumplestiltskn (The Dark One)
•Zelena/ Wiched (Green Bean)
•Robin Hood (Best tief ever)
Resultado de imagem para OUAT gif rumple•Killian Jones (A pirate)
•Henry Mills (Belive!)
•Snow White and Charming (they are one, with one heart)
•Mulan (A hero)
•Ruby/ Little Red Riding Hood (A girl or a wolf?)

Extra: 5 characters that we hate:

•Peter Pan (Don't ask!)
•The Black Fairy (A false mom)
•Cora/ The Red Queen (Killed one important person -NO SPOILERS-)
•The Autor (We don't have an explication to this)
•Tamara (Never destroy the magic!)
