Unfortunate Events

Unfortunate Events 

Air time: Netflix 
Premiere Date: January 13, 2017
Casting: Neil Patrick Harris (Olaf), Malina Weissman (Violet Baudelaire), Louis Hynes (Klaus Baudelaire), Presley Smith (Sunny Baudelaire), Patrick Warburton (Lemony Snicket), K. Todd Freeman (Arthur Poe), Alfre Woodard (Aunt Josephine).

Description: The series, baseated os Lemony Snicket's 13 books, tells the history of the three Baudelaires (Violet, Klaus and Sunny) who, after loosing their parents in a misterious fire, begin to live with the terrible Cound Olaf who repeatedly tries to get rid of the cildren to take the possesion of the Baidelaires fortune.
Violet, Klaus and Sunny, tries to solve the mistery involving the death of their parents, a secret society and lunettes that reveal everything. All this while trying to escape the Cound's traps.

"The life is impossible . , just keed living "
